Jesus: The Pathway to True Deliverance.

  • My Deliverance Testimony

    April 5, 2023

  • Breaking the Curses

    Understanding and Breaking Free from Generational and Active curses with Empowering Prayers

  • Deliverance Prep Form

    This form is designed to assist you in preparing for deliverance by organizing what needs to be addressed and released.

  • A brief video outlining essential steps before deliverance.

Understanding Deliverance

In the book of Job in the Bible, we learn that Satan was bound by God's instructions and couldn't exceed the limits set for him. We discover that Satan was initially given permission to affect everything that belonged to Job—his family, property, servants, animals, and more—but he was not allowed to harm Job himself. Later, the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your power, only spare his life.” Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. - Job 2:6-7

Satan can only inflict torment based on legal rights and access. Now, you may wonder how they gain such access. The deliverance videos provide essential insights into understanding the entry points and reasons behind unclean spirits. This forms the crucial first step towards deliverance.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. - Hosea 4:6a

Soul Wounds & Tears

Inner Healing addresses our response to past hurts, which can manifest as bad memories, feelings of worthlessness, fears, and difficulties in experiencing love and acceptance. Memories often remain hidden in our subconscious, affecting us negatively as fear, anger, anxiety, resentment, self-hate, guilt, unforgiveness, mistrust, and persistent irrational beliefs. When we suppress these hurts to cope, they continue to debilitate us.

In Luke 4:18, Jesus declares His unique anointing to heal hearts, free captives, and bring liberty to prisoners. He restores sight to the blind and brings healing to people's lives.


Appointments are scheduled through Microsoft Teams or Zoom and a link will be provided. You will not need to download any application for this process.

Do not worry about being physically present. Many individuals have experienced deliverance online, as God's power is not limited by location.

Self Deliverance Steps

Prayer alone does not trouble unclean spirits. What truly holds power over them is genuine repentance, forgiveness, and invoking the power of Jesus Christ to bring freedom. This video can provide additional information and lead you through the deliverance process if local support is unavailable or if urgent help is needed.

‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts. - Zechariah 4:6b

After Deliverance

Unclean spirits do not get bothered by prayer. What has power against them is wholehearted repentance, forgiveness, and then calling the power of Jesus Christ to set you free. Below are bullet points that are very importance to deliverance; but the videos will provide more information and can walk you through deliverance if you do not have access to someone locally or are in urgent need.

‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts. - Zechariah 4:6b

Consecration Prayers

  • Oil Consecration Prayer

    Steps to set apart oil for the purpose of anointing.

  • Home Consecration Prayer

    Blessing 'consecrates' your home so that it is a place dedicated to God and set apart for His purposes.

  • Property Consecration Prayer

    Placed on the corners of our property to set it apart to the Lord for His blessing and purposes.