Welcome to Kingdom Coaching!

You have reached a place where faith and resilience meet to guide you through life's challenges. Having personally traversed through depression, loneliness, low self-esteem, fear of not being saved, etc; I understand the depths of despair. Yet, with each trial, the Lord carried me and led me to people and teachings that illuminated my path out of darkness. Inspired by 2 Corinthians 1:4-5, I am driven by a purpose deeply rooted in comforting others with the same comfort I've received from Christ.

As we are called to set captives free and encourage one another with the love our Savior has shown us, I strive to do just that. Drawing from my own journey of finding liberation through God's Word, I am committed to empowering others to make the Lord their stronghold in every aspect of life. Through practical insights, biblical truths, and Holy Spirit guidance, my mission is to inspire growth, healing, and a Christ-centered spiritual awakening.

What is Kingdom Coaching?

Spiritual Guidance: Individual guidance through spiritual challenges, revealing God's presence and personal actions required for a return to the right path.

Personal Growth: Prayer and encouragement to focus on God's truths and foster a growing relationship with Christ. This helps individuals grow spiritually, gain confidence, and overcome personal challenges, all with caring guidance.

Empowerment and Stress Management: Assistance to choose faith over fear, grounding your decisions in God's promises while embracing your significance and value in His eyes. Assists in navigating stress and adversity, equipping with coping strategies like foundational truths, prayer, and reliance on God's strength.

Biblical Wisdom: Incorporate biblical principles and scriptures to provide insights and solutions to life's challenges and dilemmas.

Relationship Enhancement: Guidance on improving relationships, including marriages, family dynamics, and friendships, while incorporating Christian principles of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.


  • "She gives me hope that God didn't give up on me yet, and never will."

    I have been raised as a Christian my whole life, but many unfortunate circumstances have wounded me in my faith, and it has been very difficult to climb back to where I used to be in standing with our good Lord. She reaffirms that God loves me, no matter what, and He will take me back in an instant, all I have to do is repent and turn my life completely to Him. She gives me hope that God didn't give up on me yet, and never will. If I have a complicated question or life happening that I can't figure out on my own through my research, it seems like she knows the answer like that because she knows God and his voice and she also knows what scripture says about most things. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit will move her in one way, or the other, and give her the words to say to me that are exactly the words that I needed to hear. She partners with Him, and there's no denying it. Sure, you can open your Bible and try to figure it out yourself, but speaking with her directly, she includes her own life experiences, and her testimonies that came out of it. Ways that God completely saved her when it seemed absolutely physically impossible.

    - Emma

  • "I feel so much more equipped"

    I obviously believe whole heartedly that God can forgive and deliver people from different spirits and sins, but if I'm being honest, I was a little skeptical of what was going to happen after our zoom call (like how long the sense of freedom will last). But I can fully say that I have never felt more free, more close to Jesus, more able to fight against any evil thoughts. The Lord has taken them captive every time. He has fought for me more than I ever thought He would. I'm so grateful for what God did through you. I feel so much more equipped.

    - Zach

  • "I felt a complete ease talking with you."

    I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you. I know that you've kept me in your prayers and have helped me with many struggles that life throws my way. Your healing ministry was just what I needed. I felt a complete ease talking with you. You have a kind heart and will do great things for our Lord and Savior

    - Kat

  • "The Lord Set Me Free"

    I was so happy to do this deliverance. God used Diana to deliver me from demonic spirits that I didn't even know I had. The Lord set me free from anxiety, fear, shame and unforgiveness in my heart. I can testify of His faithfulness and love for me!!

    - Lauren