Death & Loss

As Christians, it is vital that we recognize the importance of knowing our next steps and remain steadfast in our faith. Regrettably, we often overlook the profound truth that "to die is gain." We have allowed ourselves to become infatuated with the pleasures of this world, contrary to the warnings given by the Lord Himself. Therefore, I implore you to heed this cautionary message: do not let your affections be consumed by worldly desires.

Instead, let us wholeheartedly encourage those who are nearing their transition to the next life, assuring them of Jesus' boundless love and His desire for them to surrender their hearts to Him. Furthermore, let us take solace in the knowledge that they await us on the other side. While we may experience profound sorrow due to the influence of Satan, let us not forget to eagerly anticipate the joyous reunion we will experience with our departed loved ones.