You may be just like many others who question deliverance. perhaps you have asked the question, “But I am a Christian. How can I have [unclean spirits]?” Believers can have and most often do have [unclean] spirits living in them. It may be helpful to explain this in somewhat simplistic terms. The myth must be destroyed in order for the body of Christ to be free. This “myth” (a widely held but false belief), has given the evil spirits an advantage and has kept the Church in bondage. Plain and simple, it is spiritual ignorance that allows this bondage to continue. Ignorance is a strong word, but the Word of God declares, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Lack of knowledge is ignorance. And, in this case, it is willing ignorance. May I say here that the people Jesus ministered to were Jewish believers, and scripture says, “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal. 3:39). Very simply, the body of Christ is called “Abraham’s seed.” Jesus ministered deliverance to Abraham’s seed.

The presence of the Holy Spirit does not prevent evil spirits from dwelling in a believer’s body or soul! Until a believer can recognize and understand how demonic bondage occurs, [they] cannot be free. You can be Spirit-filled; memorize the Word of God; sing in the choir; teach Sunday school; and be a deacon, teacher, or preacher and still have [unclean spirits]. “Believers cannot have [unclean spirits]” is a dangerous, widely held but false belief. It is a myth. - Dickerman, Don. When Pigs Move In. Charisma House, 2009.

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