Two Sessions


Achieve your Christian spiritual growth goals with focused and consistent support! Experience the benefits of personalized guidance tailored to your needs, delivered through two sessions lasting between 30 to 60 minutes each. Scheduled weekly over two weeks, these sessions provide the structure and accountability necessary for you to address challenges head-on and make meaningful progress. Whether conducted via phone or online telecall, sessions are Holy Spirit led to provide dedicated space for reflection, growth, alignment and empowerment on your walk with the Lord.

***If you find yourself in need of counseling sessions and are experiencing genuine financial hardship, I invite you to utilize the coupon code "JESUSISLORD" to access these sessions at no cost. We place our trust in the provision of the Lord, confident that He will enable us to offer support either through the generosity of others or through our own resources. At SetApart Kingdom Coaching, our primary mission is to extend assistance to those facing challenges, embodying a commitment to aiding individuals in need.

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